창학관 306호
2016. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Aalborg University, DENMARK
2013. M.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ajou University, KOREA
2011. B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ajou University, KOREA
주요 경력
Associate Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalborg University
Partner Researcher, Grundfos Holding A/S
연구 분야
Reliability of Power Electronic Components and Systems
Power Electronics Converters - Design and Control
Renewable Energy Generation Systems (Solar PV, Wind)
Multilevel Converters
Electric Machine Drives (Traction Applications)
담당 교과목
저널 논문
[40] T. Ryu and *U. M. Choi, “Reliability-Oriented Application Method of Discontinuous PWM for Single-Phase Five-Level T-type NPC Inverter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, in press.
[39] T. Ryu and *U. M. Choi, “Discontinuous PWM Strategy for Reliability and Efficiency Improvement of Single-Phase Five-Level T-type Inverter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.71, no. 3, pp. 2567-2577, Mar. 2024.
[38] U. M. Choi and J. H. Park, “Development and Reliability Assessment of Si and SiC Power Devices based Solid-State Transformer for Urban Railway Vehicle,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol.9, no. 2, pp. 2744-2753, June 2023.
[37] Y. Ko, T. Ryu, and *U. M. Choi, “Active thermal control for reliability improvement in photovoltaic single-phase T-type NPC inverters,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol.23, no. 5, pp. 850-859, May 2023.
[36] T. Ryu, and *U. M. Choi, “Reliability-Oriented Optimal DPWM Strategy for Single-Phase Five-Level T-type Inverter in PV Systems,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.11, no. 2, pp. 2227-2235, Apr. 2023.
[35] T. Ryu, *U. M. Choi, I. Vernica, and F. Blaabjerg, “Effect of thermal loading definitions on the mission profile-based reliability evaluation of power devices in PV inverters,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 138, Nov. 2022, 114650.
[34] U. M. Choi and J. S. Lee, “Single-Phase Five-Level IT-Type NPC Inverter with Improved Efficiency and Reliability in Photovoltaic Systems,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.10, no. 5, pp. 5226-5239, Oct. 2022.
[33] J. S. Lee and *U. M. Choi, “Velocity Profile based Evaluation and Improvements of Lifetime of Power Devices in Railway Propulsion Inverters,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.10, no. 2, pp. 1384-1394, Apr. 2022.
[32] U. M. Choi and T. Ryu, “Comparative Evaluation of Efficiency and Reliability of Single-Phase Five-Level NPC Inverters for Photovoltaic Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 120638-120651, 2021.
[31] U. M. Choi, “Study on Effect of Installation Location on Lifetime of PV Inverter and DC-to-AC Ratio,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 86003-86011, 2020.
[30] U. M. Choi, I. Vernica, D. Zhou, and F. Blaabjerg, “Comparative evaluation of reliability assessment methods of power modules in motor drive inverter,” Microelectronics Reliability, vols. 114, 113730, Nov. 2020.
[29] I. Vernica, *U. M. Choi, H. Wang, and F. Blaabjerg, “Wear-out failure of an IGBT module in motor drives due to uneven thermal impedance of power semiconductor devices,” Microelectronics Reliability, vols. 114, 113800, Nov. 2020.
[28] U. M. Choi and J. S. Lee, “Comparative Evaluation of Lifetime of Three-Level Inverters in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems,” Energies, vol. 13, no. 5, 2020.
[27] J. S. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Comparison of Heat-Pipe Cooling System Design Processes in Railway Propulsion Inverter Considering Power Module Reliability,” Energies, vol. 12, no. 24, 2019.
[26] U. M. Choi, S. Jørgensen, and F. Blaabjerg, “Impact of Cooling System Capacity on Lifetime of Power Module in Adjustable Speed Drives,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1768-1776, Sept. 2019.
[25] U. M. Choi, J. S. Lee, and F. Blaabjerg, “Effect of Power Cycling Test Condition and Test Strategy on Lifetime Estimation of Power Modules in Power Electronic Systems,” Microelectronics Reliability, vols. 100-101, 113460, Sept. 2019.
[24] U. M. Choi, I. Vernica, and F. Blaabjerg, “Effect of Asymmetric Layout of IGBT Modules on Reliability of Motor Drive Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1765-1772. Feb. 2019.
[23] K. Ma, U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Prediction and Validation of Cumulative Distribution Function for Power Semiconductor Devices with Mission Profiles in Motor Drive Application, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 9843-9853, Nov. 2018.
[22] U. M. Choi, S. Jørgensen, F. Iannuzzo, and F. Blaabjerg, "Power cycling test of transfer molded IGBT modules by advanced power cycler under different junction temperature swings," Microelectronics Reliability, vols. 88-90, pp. 788-794. Sep. 2018.
[21] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Separation of Wear-out Failure Modes of IGBT Modules in Grid-Connected Inverter Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 6217-6223. July 2018.
[20] U. M. Choi, K. Ma and F. Blaabjerg, “Validation of Lifetime Prediction of IGBT Modules Based on Linear Damage Accumulation by Means of Superimposed Power Cycling Tests,” IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 3520-3529. Apr. 2018.
[19] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and S. Jørgensen, “Power Cycling Test Methods for Reliability Assessment of Power Device Modules in respect to Temperature Stress,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 2531-2551. Mar. 2018.
[18] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, S. Munk-Nielsen, S. Jørgensen and B. Rannestad, “Reliability Improvement of Power Converters by Means of Condition Monitoring of IGBT Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 7990-7997. Oct. 2017.
[17] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg and F. Iannuzzo, “Advanced Power Cycler with Intelligent Monitoring Strategy of IGBT Module Under Test,” Microelectronics Reliability, vols. 76-77, pp. 522-526, Sep. 2017.
[16] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and S. Jørgensen, “Study on Effect of Junction Temperature Swing Duration on Lifetime of Transfer Molded Power IGBT Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 7990-7997. Aug. 2017.
[15] U. M. Choi, S. Jørgensen and F. Blaabjerg, “Advanced Accelerated Power Cycling Test for Reliability Investigation of Power Device Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 8371-8386. Dec. 2016.
[14] U. M. Choi, J. S. Lee, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control for a Grid-Connected NPC Inverter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 7234-7247. Oct. 2016.
[13] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, S. Jorgensen, F. Iannuzzo, H. Wang, C. Uhrenfeldt, and S. Munk-Nielsen, “Power cycling test and failure analysis of molded Intelligent Power IGBT Module under different temperature swing durations.” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 64, pp. 403-408, Sep. 2016.
[12] J. S. Lee, U. M. Choi, and K. B. Lee, “Comparison of Tolerance Controls for Open-Switch Fault in a Grid-Connected T-Type Rectifier,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5810-5820, Oct. 2015.
[11] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, F. Iannuzzo, and S. Jørgensen, “Junction temperature estimation method for a 600 V, 30A IGBT module during converter operation,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 55, no. 9-10, pp. 2022-2026, Aug.-Sep. 2015.
[10] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Reliability Improvement of a T-Type Three-Level Inverter With Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2660-2673. May 2015.
[9] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Study and Handling Methods of Power IGBT Module Failures in Power Electronic Converter Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2517-2533. May 2015.
[8] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Control Strategy of Two Capacitor Voltages for Separate MPPTs in Photovoltaic Systems Using Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 3295-3303. July-Aug. 2015.
[7] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Method to Minimize the Low-Frequency Neutral-Point Voltage Oscillations With Time-Offset Injection for Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1678-1691. Mar.-Apr. 2015.
[6] U. M. Choi, K. B. Lee, and, F. Blaabjerg “Diagnosis and Tolerant Strategy of an Open-Switch Fault for T-Type Three-Level Inverter Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 495-508. Jan.-Feb. 2014.
[5] U. M. Choi, J. S. Lee and K. B. Lee, “New Modulation Strategy to Balance the Neutral-Point Voltage for Three-Level Neutral-Clamped Inverter Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 91-100. Mar. 2014.
[4] U. M. Choi, H. H. Lee and K. B. Lee, “Simple Neutral-Point Voltage Control for Three-Level Inverters Using a Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 434-443. Jun. 2013.
[3] U. M. Choi, and K. B. Lee, “Space vector modulation strategy for neutral-point voltage balancing in three-level inverter systems,” IET Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 1390-1398. Aug. 2013.
[2] U. M. Choi, and K. B. Lee, “Neutral-Point Voltage Balancing Method for Three-Level Inverter Systems with a Time-Offset Estimation Scheme,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 243-249. Mar. 2013.
[1] U. M Choi, H. G. Jeong, K. B. Lee, and F. Blaabjerg, “Method for Detecting an Open-Switch Fault in a Grid-Connected NPC Inverter System,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2726-2739, June 2012.
◾ Reliability-Oriented Asymmetric Power Device Size Selection of Neutral-Point Clamped Inverter Considering Mission Profiles, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol.12 No.6 pp.5966~5976, 2024최의민
◾ 전력반도체 소자 열 부하 균형을 고려한 단상 5-레벨 T-type NPC 인버터의 불연속 펄스폭 변조 적용 방법, 전력전자학회 논문지, vol.29 No.5 pp.359~365, 2024최의민
◾ Discontinuous PWM Strategy for Reliability and Efficiency Improvements of Single-Phase Five-Level T-Type Inverter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, vol.71 No.3 pp.2567~2577, 2024최의민
◾ Hybrid Pulse Width Modulation for Improving Reliability of DC-Link Capacitors of NPC Inverter in Photovoltaic Systems, IEEE Access, 2024최의민
◾ Reliability-Oriented Application Method of Discontinuous PWM for Single-Phase Five-Level T-Type NPC Inverter, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.39 No.1 pp.1538~1550, 2024최의민
[25] T. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Discontinuous PWM for Improving Reliability and Efficiency of Single-Phase Five-Level T-type NPC Inverter with reduced Harmonic Distortion,” in Proc. of EPE-ECCE Europe, Sept. 2023.
[24] J. H. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation for Improving Reliability of NPC Inverter operated at High Modulation Index” in Proc. of ECCE Europe, Sept. 2023.
[23] T. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Influence of Different PWM Methods on Thermal Loadings of Power Devices and DC-link Capacitors of Single-Phase Five-Level T-type NPC Inverter,” in Proc. of ICPE-ECCE Asia, May 2023.
[22] J. H. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Pulse Width Modulation Method for Reliability Improvement of DC-link Capacitors and Power Devices of NPC Inverter” in Proc. of ICPE-ECCE Asia, May 2023.
[21] J. H. Park, U. M. Choi, and J. S. Lee, “Sinusoidal Third Harmonic Voltage Injection PWM Method for Applying the LCL Filter to Vienna Rectifier,” in Proc. of ICPE-ECCE Asia, May 2019.
[20] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Effect of Asymmetric Layout of IGBT Modules on Reliability of Power Inverters in Motor Drive System,” in Proc. of AEPC 2018, Mar. 2018.
[19] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Real-time condition monitoring of IGBT modules in PV inverter systems,” in Proc. of CIPS 2018, Mar. 2018.
[18] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Asymmetric Power Device Rating Selection for Even Temperature Distribution in NPC Inverter,” in Proc. of ECCE 2017, pp. 4196-4201, Oct. 2017.
[17] K. Ma, U. M. Choi and F. Blaabjerg, “Reliability Metrics Extraction for Power Electronics Converter Stressed by Thermal Cycles,” in Proc. of ECCE 2017, pp. 3838-3842, Oct. 2017.
[16] U. M. Choi, K. Ma and F. Blaabjerg, “Lifetime Prediction of IGBT Modules based on Linear Damage Accumulation,” in Proc. of APEC 2017, pp. 2276-2281, Mar. 2017.
[15] K. Ma, U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Impacts of Ripple Current to the Loading and Lifetime of Power Semiconductor Device,” in Proc. of APEC 2017, pp. 2305-2311, Mar. 2017.
[14] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and S. Jørgensen, “Effect of Junction Temperature Swing Durations on a Lifetime of a Transfer Molded IGBT Module,” in Proc. of ECCE 2016, Sep. 2016.
[13] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, S. Munk-Nielsen, S. Jørgensen and B. Rannestad, “Condition Monitoring of IGBT Module for Reliability Improvement of Power Converters,” in Proc. of ITEC Asia-Pacific 2016, pp. 602-607. June 2016.
[12] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “A novel active T-type three-level converter with open-circuit fault-tolerant control,” in Proc. of ECCE 2015, pp. 4765-4772. Sep. 2015.
[11] U. M. Choi, I. Trintis, F. Blaabjerg, S. Jørgensen, and M. L. Svarre, “Advanced Power Cycling Test for Power Module with On-line On-state VCE Measurement,” in Proc. of APEC 2015, pp. 2919-2924, Mar. 2015.
[10] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, J. S. Lee, and K. B. Lee, “Open-circuit fault diagnosis for a grid-connected NPC inverter with unity Power Factor,” in Proc. of APEC 2015, pp. 213-220, Mar. 2015.
[9] U. M. Choi, and F. Blaabjerg, “Junction temperature estimation for an advanced active power cycling test,” in Proc. of ICPE-ECCE Asia 2015, pp. 2944-2950, June 2015.
[8] U. M. Choi, F. Blaabjerg, and K. B. Lee, “Independent control strategy of two DC-link voltages for separate MPPTs in transformerless photovoltaic systems using neutral-point-clamped inverters,” in Proc. of APEC 2014, pp. 1718-1724, Mar. 2014.
[7] U. M. Choi, K. B. Lee and F. Blaabjerg, “Method to minimize the low-frequency neutral-point voltage oscillations with time-offset injection for neutral-point-clamped inverters,” in Proc. of ECCE 2013, pp. 4022-4029. Sep. 2013.
[6] U. M. Choi, and K. B. Lee, “Detection method of an open-switch fault and fault-tolerant strategy for a grid-connected T-type three-level inverter system,” in Proc. of ECCE 2012, pp. 4188-4195. Sep. 2012.
[5] U. M. Choi, H. G. Jeong and K. B. Lee, “Method of neutral-point voltage balancing for a grid connected NPC inverter system with time-offset variant estimating,” in Proc. of IPEMC 2012, pp. 499-504. Jun. 2012.
[4] U. M. Choi, K. B. Lee and F. Blaabjerg, “Diagnosis method of an open-switch fault for a grid-connected T-type three-level inverter system,” in Proc. of PEDG 2013, pp. 470-475. Jun. 2012.
[3] U. M. Choi, Kyo-Beum Lee, and Frede Blaabjerg, “Power electronics for renewable energy systems: Wind turbine and photovoltaic systems,” in Proc. of ICRERA 2012, Nov. 2012.
[2] H. H. Lee, U. M. Choi, and Kyo-Beum Lee “Neutral-Point Voltage Control for Grid-connected Three-Level Inverters using a Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation,” in Proc. of VCCP 2012, pp. 638-642, Oct. 2012.
[1] H. G. Jeong, U. M. Choi, Kyo-Beum Lee, “Control strategies for wind power systems to meet grid code requirements,” in Proc. of IECON 2011, pp. 1250 – 1255, Nov. 2011.
◾ 황준성, 최의민, 열 결합 효과를 고려한 전력반도체 모듈의 열 모델링 방법, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관, 2024최의민
◾ 김나연, 조연주, 최의민, 직루단 커패시터의 수명을 고려한 NPC 인버터의 불연속 펄스폭 변조 방법, 전력전자학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 한국과학기술회관, 2024최의민
◾ 이동진, 최의민, Reliability of Power Devices and DC-link Capacitors of Parallel-NPC Inverters under different PWM Methods, Proceedings of IEEE ECCE 2024, Phoenix Convention Center, 2024최의민
◾ 여가현, 최의민, Reliability-Oriented Design of DC-Link Capacitor Bank of NPC Inverter in PV Systems, Proceedings of IEEE ECCE 2024, Pheonix Convention Center, 2024최의민
K. B. Lee and U. M. Choi, “Fault and Diagnosis Systems in Power Converters,” in Advanced and Intelligent Control in Power Electronics and Drives, vol. 531, Springer, pp. 143-178, Jan. 2014. ISBN: 978-3-319-03400-3.
[1] (Registration) Apparatus and Method for Fault Diagnosis of Switching Device in Neutral Point Clamped Inverter System, Korean Patent 10-1242250, Mar. 3, 2013.
[2] (Registration) Fault Switch Diagnosis Apparatus and Method of 3 Level T-Type Inverter, Korean Patent 10-1331028, Nov. 13, 2013.
[3] (Registration) Neutral Point Voltage Controller and Method of three-level Inverter Using DPWM, Korean Patent 10-1343428, Dec. 13, 2013.
◾ IT-형 중성점 플램프트 인버터, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-2021-0179137, 2021최의민
◾ 고전력밀도 전력변환장치 신뢰성 향상을 위한 전력반도체 수명 평가 분석, 한국철도기술연구원, 2022.09.~2022.12.최의민
◾ 신뢰성 설계 기반 태양광 NPC 인버터의 신뢰성 향상 방법, 한국연구재단, 2022.09.~2024.02.최의민
◾ 도시철도차량용 컨버터 일체형 경량 반도체변압기 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2020.01.~2020.12.최의민
◾ 태양광 발전 시스템에서 NPC 인버터의 신뢰성 지향 설계 및 제어 기술, 한국연구재단, 2019.06.~2022.02.최의민
◾ 2019년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2019년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2020최의민
기타(학회활동 등)
Senior Member of IEEE (Power Electronics and Industry Applications Societies)
Member of KIPE
IEEE Power Electronics Transactions Second Prize Paper Award, 2017
Associate Editor for the IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, (2021 ~ present)
Associate Editor of Journal of Power Electronics (2021. 08 – present)
Associate Editor of CPSS TPEA (2018. 05 – present)
Associate Editor for the Transactions of The Korean Institute of Power Electronics, (2020 ~ present)
Associate Editor of TKIEE (2023. 03 – present)
Guest Associate Editor for Special Issue on “Advancing Power Electronics Reliability: Components, Systems, and Intelligent Operation” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, (2023. 11 – 2024. 03)
Guest Associate Editor for Special Issue on “Failure Mechanism, Fault Characterization and Condition Monitoring of Power Electronics Components and Systems” in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, (2020. 11 – 2021. 06)
Guest Editor for Special Issue on "Reliability of Power Electronics Systems" in the Energies (2019)
Guest Associate Editor for Special Issue on "Robust and Reliable Power Electronics" in the CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications (2018)
Technical Adviser of Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI) (2018. 08 - 2018. 12, 2019. 08 - 2019. 11)
IEEE ECCE Europe 2023, EPE - Innovation Design Challenge Assessment Committee Member
IEEE ECCE ASIA 2023, ICPE - Session Chair
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IEEE COMPEL 2020 and 2021 - Technical Program Committee Member
ESREF 2018, Committee Member of Track on Renewable Energies Reliability
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공과대학공과대학기계시스템디자인공학과기계·자동차공학과기계공학 프로그램자동차공학 프로그램안전공학과신소재공학과건설시스템공학과건축학부-건축공학전공건축학부-건축학전공건축기계설비공학과정보통신대학정보통신대학전기정보공학과컴퓨터공학과스마트ICT융합공학과전자공학과전자IT미디어공학과전자공학 프로그램IT미디어공학프로그램에너지바이오대학에너지바이오대학화공생명공학과환경공학과식품공학과정밀화학과스포츠과학과안경광학과조형대학조형대학디자인학과산업디자인전공시각디자인전공도예학과금속공예디자인학과조형예술학과인문사회대학인문사회대학행정학과영어영문학과문예창작학과외국어교육기술경영융합대학기술경영융합대학산업공학과(산업정보시스템전공)산업공학과(ITM전공)MSDE학과경영학과(경영학전공)경영학과(글로벌테크노경영전공)데이터사이언스학과미래융합대학미래융합대학융합기계공학과건설환경융합공학과헬스피트니스학과문화예술학과영어과벤처경영학과정보통신융합공학과창의융합대학창의융합대학인공지능응용학과지능형반도체공학과미래에너지융합학과교양대학교양대학국제대학국제대학대학원일반대학원산업대학원주택도시대학원철도전문대학원IT 정책전문대학원나노IT디자인융합대학원국방융합과학대학원SeoulTech-KIRAMS의과학대학원